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  • Hot stone massage

Hot stone massage

With a hot stone massage heated lava stones are used combined with oil to massage the body. These stones retain the heat longer because of the high level of ion and magnesium and they have a detoxifying, deep relaxing and healing effect. First the body is massaged with oil and then with the hot stones. The effect is a deep relaxation and a better blood circulation. Both the massage as the heat of the stones ensure that waste substances are discharged quicker and it reduces the hardening of the muscles.

After the massage with the hot stones the body part is covered with the hot stones. This ensures a deep relaxation and is experienced as very pleasant.

uitvoeren hot stone massage

Especially suitable for people with muscle and/or nerve pains (fibromyalgia), stress, a burn out, weight problems, bad circulation, back and/or neck complaints, people who feel weak and have low energy and for people who like to spoil and relax their body. This massage is not suitable for people with high blood pressure, pregnant women, heart patients and people with diabetes.

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beeldmerk Lilawadee

Opening hours

  • Monday 10:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday 15:00 - 18:00
  • Wednesday 15:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday 10:00 - 19:00
  • Friday 10:00 - 19:00
  • Saturday Closed
  • Sunday Closed


Lilawadee massage & communicatie
Benoordenhoutseweg 23
Room 203
2596 BA Den Haag

tel : 06 1888 54 65
email : info@lilawadee.nl
